The Tysons Community Alliance is a nonprofit organization founded to promote economic and social development in Tysons, Virginia. The TCA fosters collaboration and partnerships among the business community, residents, government, and non-profit organizations to support the transformation of Tysons into an inclusive, walkable downtown.
Organizations, both public / civic and private sector, with a connection to Tysons and a commitment to its dynamic future, are invited to become organizational members. Additionally, individual Tysons residents interested in participating in the governance of the TCA as an organization are eligible for membership. (The Tysons Teammates program serves residents interested in programming that supports engagement with the Tysons community)
Organizational members will receive information from the Tysons Community Alliance about events and activities; be invited to thought leadership activities, such as roundtables, focus groups and fora, aligned with the member’s interests; and participate in the governance of the TCA by attending annual Organizational Member Meetings and voting on a proposed slate of Directors to represent their sector.
There are no fees or dues associated with organizational membership. Organizational membership in the TCA is based on renewable annual terms: Organizational members will receive an annual request to affirm whether the organization would like to renew for another year and provide updated point of contact information as necessary.
Membership Criteria and Responsibilities:
- Organizational members of the Tysons Community Alliance should be committed to furthering the purposes of the TCA, specifically to the TCA’s vision of serving as “a catalyst for the transformation of Tysons, Virginia into an inclusive, vibrant, globally attractive urban center where all thrive.”
Organizational members should be:
- Civic or community groups that located in or otherwise have a nexus to Tysons, Virginia; or
- Owners of commercial property located in Tysons, commercial tenants of property located in Tysons, or commercial businesses engaging in substantial business in Tysons.
- Individual residents of Tysons who wish to participate in the governance of the TCA. (Note: Individual residents who wish to engage through participation in TCA events, professional collaborations, policy development and service projects in Tysons, and through regular communication with the TCA, are encouraged to join the Tysons Teammates community engagement program.)
Once established, TCA member organizations are expected to meet the following minimum requirements:
- Maintaining an active point of contact with the TCA
- Representation of the organization at the TCA’s Annual Membership Meeting
- Affirmative annual renewal of membership
For more information about the Tysons Community Alliance, please visit
Questions about becoming an organizational member? Please email