Tysons Get Around Guide
Get ready to Explore and Earn! Choose Your Path!
Tysons Get Around Guide
Tysons Get Around Guide will help you navigate the best routes, scenic trails, unique destinations, convenient services, amazing food, and more. Routes link Metrorail stations, grocery stores, retail, restaurants, parks, open spaces, trails and other community amenities. The routes highlight unique or useful destinations and safe, convenient connections between them. The routes help to stitch parts of Tysons together into a pretty special urban place.
Download a PDF of the Tysons Get Around Guide or use the digital version of the routes on Google Maps to explore the destinations along the routes.
Choose Your Path! Explore Tysons using the four routes: Pink, Green, Blue and Red.
Learn more about the routes here:
Supervisor Palchik Walks the WalkThe Pink Route led to an Urban Oasis
Scott's Run Trail: Another Hidden Gen in Tysons
We walked, talked, and explored our community
Rolling with the Community Walk: A Fresh Perspective

Over 200 miles walked to Explore Tysons!
The Tysons Get Around Guide was launched in June 2024 along with a summer walk challenge. Participants who walked any one of the designated routes received a $15 eGift Card, and those that completed all four routes received a $100 eGift Card. The walks were recorded on any fitness tracking app and submitted through an online form. The winners received a Tysons Community Card, a new Yiftee eGift Card program spearheaded by the TCA to support local businesses.
The summer walk challenge was a huge success with 41 people walking one of the four featured routes and 7 walking all four. Each route is about 3 miles in length which means participants walked more than 200 miles in and around Tysons!
Read what participants had to say about the challenge at: https://mailchi.mp/tysonsva/explore-tysons-12716043
Whether you are new to Tysons or have been in the area for years, it is worth taking an active break to explore a route. So many of the trails, overpasses, and sidewalks make new connections to areas of Tysons that were previously difficult to access without a car. Better connections mean that the places you want to go may be closer than you think. With a short walk or ride, you may be in reach of your favorite grocery store, a great lunch spot, your workplace, a Metrorail station, a charming local park, your favorite stores, or even your child’s elementary school.